Here we are. I am on vacation in a place where the forecast is 17 C. The last six weeks have been a training DISASTER because I have been working so many hours. Finally when things got going better, the weather became disastrous (some years it does not snow until february!) and between snow, ice storm and extreme cold (which as we already know makes me sneeze!) I have not been able to walk outside due to the extreme sneezing situation which occurred after the Santa Shuffle. I am very prone to tongue ulcers from sneezing (its the way my teeth hit my tongue and it hurts like CRAZY) and they don't heal FOREVER once I have them. That 27 hour sneezing fit caused some which I was lucky to have averted a serious problem with due to oral steroids, but you can understand my fear of sneezing- lets just call it achoophobia, since there does not seem to be a scientific term...
Now you have to understand that I have been saying since the summer, 'Oh NO, I like the cold, no way in hell, I am working out on a tread mill.' I don't however like snow and ice and the sneezing thing was totally unexpected! I did consider working out at the Mc Master University track, but its 200 m, and the idea of going in circles make me crayzeee. Plus its 50 bucks a month for just using the track. You know what is most interesting about this conundrum? That it is a problem because we don't intend to stop walking after the Miami Half. At the Santa Shuffle I met a Lady who told me that she and her husband have already completed Half's in every province and now they are moving on to one in every state. Personally, I think one on every continent might be ccool!
A bunch of people I know belong to what used to be Phoenix fitness, but I can't say that I really want to commit to a membership. Especially when I don't intend to work out indoors when the weather is good. And I doubt that I would cross train with anything in a gym either. I think that I will figure it out as soon as we get home though, because we are about a month away!
So, we decided that since we have a week childless and we have both been working insanely that we would take a quick trip and it ended up being Vegas because with pricing and timing and known awesome walks, we got the most out of Vegas.
This is our first day in Vegas and it's Christmas Day. We hope to meet up with Marc's cousin Marc (thus mine) and his fiance, Tanya who are coincidentally in Vegas from LA. Otherwise all we plan to do is hike. It's funny because both of us brought more gym clothing than anything else!
We are in a condo type hotel and we have a full kitchen so we bought groceries and will mostly eat in and take food with us.
Here are the hikes we are hoping to do (not at race pace, just for endurance)
the 13 mile driving road for the Red Hill Canyon (its paved, so not a hard hike but long.)
Around Lake Mead Area- Still unsure which hike of hundreds but thinking about the Wetlands.
Dying for a hot spring walk....
Anyways, we are working those things out now and very excited!
Today we plan on doing a ten k. Then, tonight on the strip with our santa costume!
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